Saturday, August 28, 2010

radial arm saws

.Do You Really Need a Radial-Arm Saw?

Saturday August 28, 2010

One of the most versatile, yet commonly-overlooked woodworking machines is the radial-arm saw. With this one machine, a woodworker can make straight cross-cuts, bevels, miters, dadoes and rabbets, form moldings, and more. A radial-arm saw can even be used as a horizontal drill press or serve as a guide for a router. And yet, even with all of that versatility, a minority of woodworkers have one, and increasingly fewer manufacturers are building them.


In a single word: cost. A quality radial-arm saw is not cheap. Additionally, they often aren't available in 110v power. On top of all that, they take up quite a bit of space in the shop, and aren't very portable. All of those factors often preclude the average woodworker from adding a radial-arm saw to their shop.

However, I don't know too many woodworkers who have a radial-arm saw that would want to be without it. While they may be considered a luxury to some, to experienced woodworkers, they're invaluable.

Learn about the versatility and ways to incorporate this most useful of woodworking tools into your shop in Radial-Arm Saws. You may begin to think that a radial-arm saw is a luxury you really can afford!

(c) 2010 Chris Baylor licensed to, Inc.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Often in society there is a fascination with "Bling" bright, shiny,gaudy, just like the latest fashions to attract the wannabee achievers to aquire the next new thing. I was at a woodworking show recently and there was a circa 18 th century reproduction Grand father clock, the constructor had obviously spent months if not years building this ornate masterpiece with rare timbers and fabulous marquetry and inlays BUT BUT BUT It did not,look right because it had no age or patina to it. It could have come direct from China c.2010.
That is what makes an antique, the same as an elder with a lifetime of stories and wisdom. So your project be it car, property or furniture must reflect a bygone era.
Conservation must be sympathetic and caring , evoking the stories of days gone by and like an old lady seeing the girl that once was. Before you get out the belt sander and caustic soda Stop, sit down have a cup of coffee and ponder the intrinsic beauty of the piece and how to bring that out with gentle cleaning. sympathetic repairs in the old style and a soft golden finish to bring out the lustre. Have Fun Michael

Saturday, August 21, 2010


Quite often we can form an emotional attachment with a piece of furniture, car or house and cannot clearly see an effective strategy to profit from it.Many are the chairs,tables and sideboards that I have purchased cheaply or acquired for nothing thinking that I would make a handsome profit but turned out not to be. Research has shown that buying a property and renovating the kitchen, bathroom and adding perhaps another room then selling does not always realise a profit (excepts in a rapidly rising market). If just a good clean, paint and cosmetic makeover is done then a quick turnaround profit can be made. The reasons for this are that buyers have other ideas from yours and want to add their own personal touches so if you can reveal the potential of the project then sometimes this is all that is required.With a decent piece of furniture you may have to allow a day to strip, a day to repair and a day to finish say 20 hours. If you reckoned on at least $20 an hour plus materials then that's $400-500-.Commercial rates are $40-50 an hour. Your time has to be worth something or else you give the piece a quick clean and polish, plus minor repairs and send it on it's way.Also you can see that a piece has to be valuable to spend too much time on it.So the lesson to be learned from this is to think long and hard about what you want to achieve from your project before even starting.After a while you will know approximately how long it will take to finish a piece but it always takes longer than you anticipate because once you start you perhaps will find what others have bodged and faked
that you have to make good.